Word Cloud?

For 10th meeting, The CALT class learned about word cloud and interactive image.
 But, here I want to explain my experience when using word cloud. In this meeting, it was my first time to
 know and try to create a word cloud. From the word cloud example that I saw, it looks very interesting. 
However, when I tried it the first time I had a little trouble. Actually if we understand the layout of the word cloud
 edit everything is very easy to make. After I tried to understand over and over again it turned out to be very easy.
 We can make a word list according to the needs we want, for example I made all kinds of feeling (adjective) for
 example sad, happy, angry, etc. After I finished making the word cloud the results were very interesting and not
 boring because we can edit the theme, background we want. 
 I think thats all, thank you!


  1. I love how we can edit the background, color, and even shape of the wordcloud. Very interesting indeed!


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