
My opinion, at first I thought twinery was an app like Kahoot. In this twinery, we can make questions, but it is a little other
 learning tool applications. 
The Twinery was a bit cumbersome when I first used it, but different from after trying it again it
 turned out to be very interesting. In this twinery, we can make story telling, and we can make
 a kind of question and then there is a choice of answers that can be clicked. It's very 
interesting, but the diagrammatic form of the twinery makes me confused, where is the arrow going?”
 but that has no effect at all with the questions or story telling we make. For this twinery application,
 I have to go deeper first, because I don't understand it yet. So in the future I'm still confused
 whether I will use it or not.
I explain again the advantages and disadvantages of this winery:


  • Text-based storytelling. Twine is very text-focused, though you can use images, sound, and video.
  • Branching narratives. Twine's user interface is designed to make it easy to visualize the flow through branches of a narrative.
  • Web-based publishing. Twine publishes to HTML files which can be uploaded on any web hosting service or shared privately. People can play the things you make without installing any extra software.


This is especially difficult to define, because authors are so ingenious and constantly push at the boundaries of what is possible. Because Twine is deeply enmeshed with the web platform, anything that can be done in a browser can be done with Twine--but you might be better-served using a different tool.

  • Heavy use of multimedia. It's possible to incorporate images, sound, and video into the things you create with Twine, but the workflow can feel awkward, especially if you are using lots of multimedia assets. You might be happier using a tool like Ren'Py.
  • Online and multiplayer play. There have been experiments with making Twine games that are playable by multiple people simultaneously, but doing so requires a good deal of programming knowledge. There have not been many modern successors to the MUD model, but Seltani is one.
  • Works that involve a world model, or that use interaction models other than clicking links, like a text parser or a graphical world. Inform or Bitsy, for example, might be better fits for these.
                                                     I think that’s all , thank youJ


  1. I'm with you on this! Twinery can be really confusing for those who aren't teach-savvy, like me. But once you know how it works, you won't have a hard time using it. We simply need to get used to it.


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