
Hello Hello. In today's blog, I explain about polls. Well, this poll is almost the same as voting but there is a difference, so you don't get confused. Now for the meaning of Polling itself is a method of collecting votes that has a wider range and method of voting, it does not have to use only voting paper. Participants who have the right to participate are also wider in scope, not just a group in that place. For example, followed by all people aged 18 years and over. The results are usually only taken a few samples just to get the average answer to the questions asked. 

Meanwhile, when it comes to voting, voting is a method of collecting votes which is generally done by distributing ballots and is closed, while counting the number of votes is done openly. Only a few people can participate in the voting, people who have voting rights. When something happens that is not done enough with deliberation, then voting becomes a solution to find a decision through the majority of the available options. Do you know the difference? Okay, now let's get into the example.

Example: Looking for a decision on whether the class that has just been built is given to grade 3 students or grade 1 students, then voting is carried out to find that decision when the Principal cannot decide. The participants are of course limited, to only the school's teachers.

Actually, I have never made a poll, I just read and understand what a poll is and in some sources, the meaning of polling is the same. I will provide an example of an image in making a poll.

For those of you who don't know how to make a poll, you can follow the tutorial in the link I've included below:


Hope u enjoy it, thank you!



  1. The tutorial is complex and pretty hard to follow for me who isn't a tech-savvy :") Nevertheless, thank you so much for sharing! It would be better if you can give one example of an app that can be used for polling, though.


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